Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sarah Palin Email Leak Spur Jokes

I was just on Gawker and the comments regarding Sarah Palin's Y! Mail leak are pretty hilarious, so I compiled them:

Internet: bridge to nowhere
Their in-home network = Alaskan Pipeline.
Their computer crash was the Exxon Valdez oil spill
Oregon Trail game = the Palin's driveway
MP3: the seal's mating call
Spyware = Siberian who got lost somewhere outside of Nome.
Antivirus software = rifle
Heated igloo=computer lab
Computer mouse = actual walrus
Keyboard = eskimo's ribcage.
Mouse=a real Arctic mouse
Power cord = Aleutian Island chain
Computer screensaver: aurora borealis
Printer = Aleut calligrapher
Cursor = Blinking Eskimo
Hard drive = small chamber deep in the base of Mt. McKinley

Seriously, who uses Yahoo of all things for work email? Some serious obstruction of justice questions are being raised...

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